Products tagged with: blocks brushes

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Oakey Extreme Angled Sanding Sponge Fine/Medium

Oakey Extreme Angled Sanding Sponge Fine/Medium

For use on window frames, architraves and other angled surfaces

Oakey Extreme Angled Sanding Sponge Medium/Coarse

Oakey Extreme Angled Sanding Sponge Medium/Coarse

For use on window frames, architraves and other angled surfaces

Oakey Extreme Contour Sanding Pads Pack Of Two Fine/Medium And Medium/Coarse

Oakey Extreme Contour Sanding Pads Pack Of Two Fine/Medium And Medium/Coarse

For use of hard to reach profiled and contoured surfaces such as stair parts

Oakey Extreme Flexible Sanding Sponge Fine/Medium

Oakey Extreme Flexible Sanding Sponge Fine/Medium

For use on contoured and flat surfaces for a more comfortable sanding application

Oakey Extreme Flexible Sanding Sponge Medium/Coarse

Oakey Extreme Flexible Sanding Sponge Medium/Coarse

For use on contoured and flat surfaces for a more comfortable sanding application

Oakey Wet & Dry Contour Sanding Sponge Fine/Medium

Oakey Wet & Dry Contour Sanding Sponge Fine/Medium

For use with water to reduce clogging and achieve the perfect finish when sanding metal surfaces

Oakey Wet & Dry Sanding Sponge Fine/Medium

Oakey Wet & Dry Sanding Sponge Fine/Medium

For use with water to reduce clogging and achieve the perfect finish when sanding metal surfaces

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