Products tagged with: clamps workbenches

Pages: 1

Bar Clamp

Bar Clamp

250kg pressure bar clampFree sliding, heat treated I-Beam bar for strengthNon explosive mechanism for a controlled releaseNon marking pads for a firm grip without damaging surfaces

Bar Clamp

Bar Clamp

250kg pressure bar clampFree sliding, heat treated I-Beam bar for strengthNon explosive mechanism for a controlled releaseNon marking pads for a firm grip without damaging surfaces

One Handed Ratchet Clamp

One Handed Ratchet Clamp

Ratchet mechanism for easy one handed operationQuick release trigger mechanismWide jaw opening to clamp larger itemsNon marking pads for a firm grip without damaging surfaces

One Handed Ratchet Clamp

One Handed Ratchet Clamp

Ratchet mechanism for easy one handed operationQuick release trigger mechanismWide jaw opening to clamp larger itemsNon marking pads for a firm grip without damaging surfaces

Pages: 1

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