Products tagged with: evbsbr5l

Pages: 1

S.B.R Bond 5 Litre 503

S.B.R Bond 5 Litre 503

EVERBUILD SBR BOND is a white liquid, which has numerous uses as an admixture, primer, bonding agent and sealer.Polymer Emulsions of this type have been used extensively over the last 20 years by the building industry as an admixture for cement and concrete applications, including repair and renovation, surfacing of floors and bonding generally. It contains anti-foam to control the density of cementitous mixes.- Greatly improved adhesion to a wide range of substrates including dense concrete,steel, tiles etc.- Mixes may be applied in much thinner sections- Excellent resistance to water and water vapour- A high level of resistance to salt permeation- Much improved toughness and flexibility- Reduced surface dusting of concrete- Greatly improved resistance to many chemicals- ideal for use in dairy parlours etc.- Reduced water: cement ratio for equivalent workability- Improved frost resistance-SBR Bond is also freeze thaw stable.

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