Products tagged with: hand tools scrapers

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Floor Scraper 200mm (8in)

Floor Scraper 200mm (8in)

Used for removing grease and dirt from workshop floors, preparation areas and shopping arcades etc.The steel blade is designed not to damage tiled flooring or laminates and is fitted with fibreglass handles for strength and easy sterilisation. Fibreglass handle: 1400 x 32mm (55 x 1.1/4 in)Blade size: 200mm (8in)

Floor Scraper 200mm (8in) Fibreglass Handle

Floor Scraper 200mm (8in) Fibreglass Handle

For use in both domestic and industrial environments for removing grease, dirt and other remains that stick to tiled and laminate flooring.It has a fibreglass handle for maximum durability and strength and a double deep washable soft grip.The stainless steel blade which remains sharper for longer and will not rust.Blade 200mm (8 in)

Floor Scraper 300mm (12in) Fibreglass Long Handle

Floor Scraper 300mm (12in) Fibreglass Long Handle

For use in both domestic and industrial environments for removing grease, dirt and other remains that stick to tiled and laminate flooring.It has a fibreglass handle for maximum durability and strength and a double deep washable soft grip.The stainless steel blade which remains sharper for longer and will not rust.Blade 300mm (12 in)Long handle

Floor Scraper 300mm (12in) Heavy-Duty Fibreglass Handle

Floor Scraper 300mm (12in) Heavy-Duty Fibreglass Handle

Used for removing grease and dirt from workshop floors, preparation areas and shopping arcades etc.The steel blade is designed not to damage tiled flooring or laminates and is fitted with fibreglass handles for strength and easy sterilisation. Fibreglass handle: 1400 x 32mm (55in x 1 1/4 in) Blade size: 300mm (12in)

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