Products tagged with: mlk5412e

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MLK5412E Push Button Select Access Key Safe

MLK5412E Push Button Select Access Key Safe

This Masterlock 5412E key safe is an easy to use push button combination type safe and can be fitted to the wall inside or out. The 5412E has a very strong solid zinc body that has good resistance to hammering and sawing. The 12 buttons to set one's own combination provides a massive 4,096 available combinations so there is no fear that it will get breached. Masterlock have used a hinged door system so that, unlike some key safes on the market, you don't need not to worry about misplacing the front. The key safe is weather resistant and will tackle and function fine, whatever the weather can throw at it.Ideal for safely leaving keys for children to get in after school so that you don't have to be there to let them in, for an elderley family member you need to visit on a regular basis, or for storing keys safely just in case you lose them on your travels. Interior storage size 9.8 cm x 3.8 cm x 3.2cm.

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