Products tagged with: paint varnish brushes

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Stanley Woodcare Brush Set 4Pce 9 98 616

Stanley Woodcare Brush Set 4Pce 9 98 616

4 piece woodcare brush setcontains 1in , 1.1/2in and 2in woodcare brushes and a 4in shed and fence brush....

Throw Away Paint Brush 1&quot

Throw Away Paint Brush 1&quot

An economy grade brush with black synthetic bristles , steel ferrule and hardwood handle.Size. 1in....

Throw Away Paint Brush 1/2&quot

Throw Away Paint Brush 1/2&quot

Throw Away Paint Brush 2&quot

Throw Away Paint Brush 2&quot

An economy grade brush with black synthetic bristles , steel ferrule and hardwood handle.Size. 2in....

Throw Away Paint Brush 3&quot

Throw Away Paint Brush 3&quot

An economy grade brush with black synthetic bristles , steel ferrule and hardwood handle.Size. 3in....

Throw Away Paint Brush 4&quot

Throw Away Paint Brush 4&quot

An economy grade brush with black synthetic bristles , steel ferrule and hardwood handle.Size. 4in....

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