Products tagged with: reflector foil

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B&Q Radiator Reflective Foil - 500mm x 5m

B&Q Radiator Reflective Foil - 500mm x 5m

Prevents heat loss, Saves energy, Quick and easy to install, Suitable for use with all radiators, Ensure more heat is reflected into your home.

Climaflex Radiator Reflector Foil Roll

Climaflex Radiator Reflector Foil Roll

Recover some of the heat lost to the wall behind the radiator by applying radiator foil to the wall, Climareflex roll, Totally CFC and HCFC free, Coverage: 2.5sqm, Easy to install, Ensure more heat is reflected into your home.

Climaflex Radiator Reflector Foil Tiles Pack of 4

Climaflex Radiator Reflector Foil Tiles Pack of 4

Recover some of the heat lost to the wall behind the radiator by applying radiator foil to the wall, Climareflex tile, Totally CFC and HCFC free, Pack of 4, Coverage: 1sqm, Easy to install, Ensure more heat is reflected into your home.

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