Products tagged with: screwdriver bits sets

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Stanley 7 Piece Torx Driver Bit Set 1 68 739

Stanley 7 Piece Torx Driver Bit Set 1 68 739

A 7-piece screwdriver bit set containing 6 x 25 mm screwdriver bits and a magnetic bit holder. The dial storage box enables you to select a bit without fear of losing the others.Bit sizes: T10, T15, T20, T25, T30 and T40 Torx....

Wera 897/4 Impaktor 1/4&quot Hex Drive Ring Magnet Holder

Wera 897/4 Impaktor 1/4&quot Hex Drive Ring Magnet Holder

The Wera 897/4 IMP R Impaktor holder with retaining ring and magnet Impaktor holder to cushion extreme impulse peaks, special torsion effect from the double-torsion spring, equipped with a ring magnet to easily hold longer and heavier screws, also...

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