Products tagged with: stainless steel gate furniture

Pages: 1

Stainless Steel Barrel Bolt Grade 316

Stainless Steel Barrel Bolt Grade 316

Brushed stainless steel barrel bolt and keep with 12mm diameter shoot. Measures approximately 58mm X 80mm wide excluding keep.

Stainless Steel Door Stop/Holder 250mm Grade 316

Stainless Steel Door Stop/Holder 250mm Grade 316

Brushed stainless steel door stop/holder 250mm high and approximately 48mm wide. The stop can be adjusted from around 30mm to 70mm allowing doors of various thickness.

Stainless Steel Loop Bolt 300mm Grade 316

Stainless Steel Loop Bolt 300mm Grade 316

Brushed stainless steel loop bolt 300mm long with 14mm diameter shoot. Mounting plate measures approximately 60mm X 90mm.

Stainless Steel Padlock Bolt Grade 316

Stainless Steel Padlock Bolt Grade 316

Brushed stainless steel padlock bolt and keep with 12mm diameter shoot. Measures approximately 67mm x 80mm wide excluding keep.

Stainless Steel Tee Hinges 250mm in Pairs Grade 316

Stainless Steel Tee Hinges 250mm in Pairs Grade 316

Brushed stainless steel Tee hinge 250mm long. Plate is 65x40mm and material 2mm thick. Sold and priced in pairs.

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