Products tagged with: survival

Pages: 1

Adventure Medical Spark Lite Fire Starter & Tinder Quik

Adventure Medical Spark Lite Fire Starter & Tinder Quik

Spark-Lite is a water proof official military firestarter, useable one-handed and tested for over 1000 sparks. Tinder-Quick is waterproof and burns for 2-3 minutes allowing you plenty of time to light a fire....

Ergodyne Trex Ice Traction Grippers for Shoe Sizes 8 to 11

Ergodyne Trex Ice Traction Grippers for Shoe Sizes 8 to 11

Features:- Rugged steel studs provide tenacious grip and stability on ice and snow- Stretchable rubber for easy fitting- Flexible to minus 40°C- One piece fits boots and shoes...

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