Products tagged with: vtx5o21750

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Organic 2 in 1 Pest & Disease Control 750ml RTU Spray

Organic 2 in 1 Pest & Disease Control 750ml RTU Spray

A blend of natural plant and fish oils effective against a wide variety of insects, mites, scales and certain fungal diseases. Organic 2 in 1 is effective against the eggs, larvae, nymphs and adult stages of over 25 soft bodied insects including aphids, rust mites, leaf rollers, mealy bugs, scale insects, spider mites, thrips and whiteflies.Organic 2 in 1 also controls certain fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and black spot on roses and helminthosporium and grease spot on citrus.Can be used on most ornamentals, fruit and vegetables.Mix the concentrate with water as directed on the box and apply as a fine spray, covering both sides of the foliage. Certain persistent insects may require three or more weekly treatments until the infestation is under control. Once under control the Organic 2 in 1 can be used as a monthly preventative spray.Apply: At the first signs of insect activityAlways read the label: Use pesticides safely.

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