Products tagged with: wire nylon rotary brushes

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Wolfcraft 2126 Wire End Brush 25mm 6mm Shank

Wolfcraft 2126 Wire End Brush 25mm 6mm Shank

Wire End Brush for de-rusting and preparation work for brazing and welding.Size. 25mm. Diameter.Shank. 6mm....

Wolfcraft 2128 Wire Wheel Brush 38X55X200mm

Wolfcraft 2128 Wire Wheel Brush 38X55X200mm

For the de-rusting and cleaning of metals and stone or for the preparation of brazing and welding work.Mounted on a 6 mm shank30 mm Diameter x 55 mm x 200 mm O/L crimped....

Wolfcraft 2133 000 Wire Brush Set

Wolfcraft 2133 000 Wire Brush Set

Set of 4 wire brushes containing 1 of each: 75 mm diameter x 10 mm crimped wire wheel brush.28 mm diameter x 60 mm x 90 mm long crimped spiral wire brush.75 mm diameter crimped wire cup brush.25 mm diameter x 6 mm shank...

Wolfcraft 2148 Wire Wheel Brush 115mm 22mm Bore

Wolfcraft 2148 Wire Wheel Brush 115mm 22mm Bore

Twisted Wire Wheel Brush.Size. 115mm.Bore. 22mm....

Wolfcraft 2150 Wire Cup Brush 100mm x M14

Wolfcraft 2150 Wire Cup Brush 100mm x M14

Wire Brush Wheel with twisted tynes for that heavier task.Size. 100mm.M14 Thread....

Wolfcraft 2151 Wire Cup Brush 90mm x M14

Wolfcraft 2151 Wire Cup Brush 90mm x M14

Wire Cup Brush for derusting cleaning and prepartion for welding etc.Size. 90mm.M14 Thread....

Wolfcraft 2703 Cup Brush Twisted - 22.5 x 6mm

Wolfcraft 2703 Cup Brush Twisted - 22.5 x 6mm

Wire Cup Brush for de-rusting, cleaning and perparation for brazing and welding work....

Wolfcraft 2704 Cup Brush Twisted - 6mm Shank

Wolfcraft 2704 Cup Brush Twisted - 6mm Shank

Wire Cup Brush for de-rusting, cleaning and perparation for brazing and welding work.Size. 65mm.Shank. 6mm....

Wolfcraft 2705 Conical Wire Brush - M14 Thread

Wolfcraft 2705 Conical Wire Brush - M14 Thread

Conical Wire Brush for de-rusting cleaning stone and metal.For the preparation of welding etc.Size. 100mm.M14 Thread....

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